Paonia’s Riverbank neighborhood
Published April 2021
This land subdivision was introduced in 2005 as 80+ lots on approximately 32 acres bordering the North Fork of the Gunnison River. The land was annexed into the Town of Paonia, and the subdivision was approved by the Town with the citizens’ approval via a referendum. Then, the recession hit, and everything came to a standstill for several years.
Since then, the property has gone through numerous changes. The northern part of the acreage (now known as The Hops Farm) was sold. The southern portion, now known as “Riverbank”, consists of approximately 24 acres and is owned by Mr. Ivo Renkema who resides in The Netherlands.
Mr. Renkema has proposed a scaled-down subdivision consisting of only 15 parcels of land, between 1-2 acres each, with town water and sewer and irrigation. On April 27th, the Paonia City Council approved this subdivision, with some restrictions.
Two of the lots will come on the market soon, as the water and sewer taps were obtained before the current moratorium on water tap sales. The availability of the remaining lots will depend on the lifting of the moratorium, the status of which will be revisited when the Paonia Town Council reviews a draft submittal of the engineering report in mid-May.